Think Outside the Box with this Quick Mindset Shift

Last month, I had the pleasure of hosting a series of workshops for startup founders. We delved into frameworks designed to navigate the myriad decisions essential for building and growing a business.

During one interactive session, we explored the "options" component of decision-making. I emphasized a common pitfall: assuming that the obvious choices are the only ones available.

One founder posed a thought-provoking question:"What tips do you have on how to break out of the box and think creatively about what other options exist?"

It's a question that hits close to home for many of us, not just founders.

We've all been there – stuck in the rut of considering only the first few ideas that pop into our heads, only to shoot them down almost instantly.

But guess what? It's not the lack of ideas that's the problem; it's that pesky inner critic telling us they won't work. Sound familiar?

So, how do we foster creative thinking despite the persistent "Nope" voice?

The solution lies in shifting our mindset from "can't-because" to "could-if" thinking.

Let's break it down:

  • Can't-Because Thinking: This approach views constraints as insurmountable barriers. For instance, "I can't accept that offer because it's located across the country."

  • Could-If Thinking: Here, we explore conditions that could render the impossible possible. For example, "I could accept that offer if I negotiate location flexibility."

More examples:

"I can't pursue further education because I have a full-time job."

"I could pursue further education if I explore online or part-time programs that fit around my work schedule."

"We can't pursue that idea because it's too financially risky."

"We could try that idea if we have enough of a safety net and have a clear tripwire for when to pivot."

"I can't pursue my dream of writing a novel because I don't have enough inspiration."

"I could pursue my dream of writing a novel if I establish a consistent writing routine, explore different writing prompts, and join a writing group for support."

By embracing "could-if" thinking, we invite possibility and innovation into our decision-making process.

Now, it's your turn to reflect:

  • Identify a Decision: What's a decision you're currently grappling with? It could be related to your startup, career, or personal life.

  • Recognize Top-of-Mind Constraints: What are the "can't-because" thoughts hindering your exploration? Write them down.

  • Embrace Possibility: Challenge those thoughts with "could-if" statements. What options emerge when you open yourself to new possibilities?

What did you discover after trying this exercise?

Remember, creativity thrives in the realm of possibility. By cultivating a mindset of curiosity and openness, you can uncover innovative solutions and chart new paths forward.


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