You’re ready for a change.

Days marked by greater clarity in your decisions and actions, more confident decisions, and space to be the visionary you’re meant to be...

So you can tackle challenges and seize opportunities with strategy.

I’m ready to help you. Here’s how:


For high-achieving executives and leaders navigating the complexities of leveling up.

Advancing in your career doesn't involve one big, complex decision you make at a single point in time. It requires expanding your skills as a leader through the hundreds of microdecisions you make each and every day.

Through Executive Coaching, we’ll work together to apply systems thinking to shift the microdecisions that collectively add up to the way you perform in the workplace, and the outcomes you — and your team — achieve. 


For groups in search of unique, engaging, actionable, and relevant learning opportunities.

Bringing a deep expertise of where + how people get stuck learnt from thousands of hours of coaching, I’ll work with you to craft an interactive, engaging, and immediately applicable workshop or keynote that will have pens scribbling (or keyboards clacking) the entire time.  

Your audience will walk away with tools and frameworks rooted in structure and process they can immediately apply to decisions they’re currently grappling with and those they’ll face in the future… with less stress and greater efficiency.  

“This is the best possible type of professional development I could have given myself. Had I gone with my initial instinct to be specific and tactical, I would have missed out on what would have been the bigger takeaways: recognizing my impact on the space around me, and learning to say no to create space for the things that matter. It's been really helpful, not just for me, not just for my team, but also for my family. I would have never expected that and didn't even know I needed it. It's been super useful. Thank you."

- Kathy Davies, Lecturer and Managing Director of the Life Design Lab at Stanford University

Good news! Decision making is a process… one you can own.

Start with the Decision Inventory Worksheet: A simple yet in-depth tool you can use to unburden your mind + clarify your next steps.

Download yours now, and get a free, mini-masterclass in decision making: