Decision Making Resources

Decision making is a skill everyone uses, every single day. 

The decisions we make determine the lives we live and the impact we create.

Decision making is a critical, foundational skill, and yet very few people were taught how to do it effectively.

Without a common language and process to approach individual and collective decision making, there is a lot of time wasted thinking and talking in circles—at work and at home.  

Who has time for that?
Not you.

Good news: Decision making is a process.
One that can be learned, and improved.

Lucky for you, you’ve landed in the perfect place to get started:

Decision Toolkit for Personal Decisions Course

Have a decision to make on a deadline?

In coffee-break sized videos, I’ll take you through an approachable, simple-yet-robust process for making personal decisions, whether they be related to your next career move, your living situation, your relationship status, your family planning, or where to send your kids to school. 

(We make hundreds of decisions per day — let’s not discount any of them!)

If there’s a decision weighing you down, this Toolkit will help you make a choice that you feel confident in.

Inside the Toolkit, you’ll find:

  • Bite-sized videos that walk you through the decision process step-by-step, in less than 2 hours

  • Exercises and frameworks you can use time and again that help you arrive at clarity

  • Tips on how to reduce stress and anxiety associated with making big decisions

I can’t make your decisions for you, but this is basically the next best thing!

Decision Mapping: Transforming Business Uncertainty into Action

In business, major decisions with far-reaching consequences can be paralyzing.

Which market to expand to next? Is now the right time to invest in headcount? Do you prioritize growth or the bottom line? Keeping track of all that needs to be considered can make it difficult to see a clear path forward.

This course introduces decision mapping, a powerful technique that transforms uncertainty and overwhelm into a structured approach.

Students will learn how to dissect complex decisions, decode emotions into insightful data, and confidently reach resolutions. Students will also use these skills to navigate scenarios where outcomes are unpredictable and confidently weigh choices that can't be easily measured.

Through live simulations, engaging group discussions, and homework based on actual decisions you currently face at work, you'll put these decision-mapping tools into immediate practice.

More than just probability theory, this course combines simplified frameworks from decision analysis with concepts from emotional intelligence to equip students with the tools to break decisions down into manageable parts. 

“I found that the tools from Michelle's Stanford class, unlike many other decision engineering classes, cover both the qualitative and the quantitative aspects of decision making. Michelle's tools have made their way into my decision process at the workplace and are so useful that I find myself applying it to personal situations as well.”

- Anja L., Leadership Coach for Women in Tech

Decision Toolkit for Coaches and Counselors

A pro-con list just doesn't cut it for the big, important decisions where people want your support. You need frameworks and tools that help you coach others to the right decision.

Equip yourself with a toolkit that will enable you to help others untangle the most complex decisions with this course for career coaches, post-secondary career counselors or advisors, business and leadership coaches, and others who work in professional mentorship roles.

Inside The Decision Toolkit for Coaches and Counselors, you'll learn: 

  • How to help your clients to appropriately frame and analyze their decisions 

  • A structured approach to decision making so you know where to start and focus with a client

  • How to decipher emotional data and help clients understand and incorporate their feelings into their decision model

  • A pro-con list with a twist: a method to help clients get clear on what matters and make a decision with confidence 

  • How to help clients move past analysis paralysis and make a decision–even in the face of incomplete information and/or uncertainty

“This course was incredibly engaging and I am really excited to integrate these tools in my everyday work. Although I've read a lot about decision making and career development, Michelle's course is the most impactful resource that shapes my practice and approach to coaching.”

- Amanda S., Senior Academic and Career Coach at University of Minnesota

Good news! Decision making is a process… one you can own.

Start with the Decision Inventory Worksheet: A simple yet in-depth tool you can use to unburden your mind + clarify your next steps.

Download yours now, and get a free, mini-masterclass in decision making: