Looking for someone to just make a decision for you already?

You’ve tried Google. You’ve scoured social media. You asked your mom, your friend, your neighbor, your dog, and your dusty Magic 8 Ball – nothing has given you The Answer you’re looking for. (Even when you shook that ball until it gave a response you liked!) 

You know what they* say: Make a decision for someone, and you help them for a moment. Teach someone a decision making process, and they’ll be set to make confident decisions for life.

*It’s me. In this case, I am “they.”

Learn more about decision making to ditch the stress and move forward with confidence today. Pick your path:

Articles on the science of decision analysis, stories of real people working through real decisions, and answers to the things you may not even realize are keeping you awake at night and distracted all day.

Tune in as my guests and I dig into the science of decision making, untangle big decisions they’re working through, talk about how to navigate emotions in the decision-making process, and more.

I can’t make a decision for you, but I can do the next best thing: Teach you how. No Magic 8 Ball, required. Facing a personal decision, looking for college credits, or want to implement this in your coaching practice or counseling role? I can help. 

“Michelle's videos and exercises were incredibly helpful to me as I contemplated a job offer that was a change in career and commute for me. Going through the exercises helped me make a decision that I feel confident is the best choice moving forward. I am so grateful for Michelle's decision making frameworks and videos. What a valuable resource to have on hand.” — Jon A.

Good news: Decision making is a process… one you can own.

Start with the Decision Inventory Worksheet: a simple yet in-depth tool you can use to unburden your mind + clarify your next steps.

Download yours now, and get a free, mini-masterclass in decision making: