As a leader, you make hundreds of microdecisions each and every day.

You’re pulled in myriad directions.

You have a team, but could be engaging them more effectively.
There are opportunities you’d love to seize, but you need a different set of skills. 

The challenges are endless, but you’re up for the task because you’re ready to step into the visionary role you were made for.  

When you have what you need to succeed as a leader, everyone wins.

Over the course of hundreds of Executive Coaching engagements, I’ve partnered with leaders from C-level corporate executives to startup founders to help them feel less stressed and more equipped to face the day-to-day challenges of leadership — while finding focus and letting go of what they don’t need to get to the next level of their career.

The work we’ve done together has created ripple effects throughout their teams and their entire organizations. Because when you show up differently, so do the people around you.

So, what are you waiting for?

Michelle here, executive coach for high-achieving leaders with analytical minds, who are encountering a ceiling in their management abilities and need to level up their leadership.

If you’re struggling to keep all the balls in the air as your team and job description grow, you feel compelled to do more but are on the brink of burnout, and you feel too mired down to have space for the strategic, visionary thinking you’re capable of… you’re not alone.

Advancing in your career doesn't involve one big, complex decision you make at a single point in time. It requires expanding your skills as a leader through the hundreds of microdecisions you make every day. That’s no easy task.

When we work together, we’ll apply systems thinking to shift the microdecisions that guide the way you perform in the workplace, as well as the outcomes you get.

Throughout our Executive Coaching partnership, our work is tailored, unique, and specific to your organization, your team, and your life.

If you’re facing shifts at work that require you to adapt, and you need help building a different set of leadership muscles, you are in the right place.

(And if you’re an analytical thinker who appreciates systems, structures, and frameworks — you’re really in the right place.)

Greater clarity in your approach to future challenges.
Better self-awareness of what’s getting in your way.
Frameworks for thinking through challenges.
Systems to support behavioral change.

These are just a few of the outcomes the executives
and leaders I’ve coached have reported.

The possibilities are endless, as is the ROI for you, your team, and your organization, no matter which direction we’re working in:

→ Horizontal development

Here, we focus on building specific skills, like time management, delegation, and becoming a more strategic and inspiring leader. 

Think of it like this: It’s like adding an app to your device that adds functionality. 

But there comes a stage where horizontal development isn’t enough, and we’ll need to shift to vertical development…

↑ Vertical development

Here, we focus on identifying the levers in you, as a leader—your personality, past experience, motivations, habits—that need to shift in order to help you show up the way you need to at the next level.

Think of it like this: Together, we’ll upgrade your operating system, so everything works better. 

Bring me your challenges. Together, we’ll build the skills and implement the step-changes you need to tackle both today’s challenges… 

and tomorrow’s opportunities.

“Before meeting Michelle, I struggled with how I was going to make an impact in my new role, within a new industry. Michelle provided me with several tools to help me lead through transformation. One specific framework helped me outline how I wanted to show up as a leader for my team and build long-term value for my organization. Not only did Michelle's guidance help me onboard successfully to my new role, it also helped me demonstrate more confidence and clarity in leading a team that was remote for the entire year due to the pandemic."

- Alicia L., Head of Industry, Major Technology Company

The moment I live for as a coach:

Helping someone solve a puzzle that’s been keeping them stuck.

Here’s a few more things to note about me:

In the decade I’ve been coaching professionally, I’ve accumulated thousands of coaching hours, working with leaders at companies including, but not limited to, Amazon, Google, Meta, Salesforce, and Microsoft, as well as C-suite executives at Fortune 500 companies.

I’m certified by the International Coaching Federation at the PCC level, allowing me to be a mentor coach, I’ve served on the inaugural coaching team for Seth Godin's altMBA, was a founding member of the Forbes Coaches Council, was a Senior Coach for Management Leadership for Tomorrow, coached for Startup Parent, and am currently a faculty coach for Berkeley Executive Coaching Institute and New Ventures West. 

I earned an engineering degree from Stanford, from the department of Management Science and Engineering, with a concentration of study in Finance and Decision Engineering. While my colleagues mainly became investment bankers, I honed in on the decision-making side of things and made my own path, going on to earn an MBA from UC Berkeley's Haas School of Business.

Over the years, I’ve led countless workshops and spoken to audiences both domestically and internationally, demonstrating how to use the principles of decision engineering to tackle complex decisions with less stress and more clarity in order to level up your leadership. 

And even if money, time, and gravity weren’t an issue, I’d still be doing exactly what I’m doing.

Executive coaching isn’t for everyone.

Executive coaching is a customized field of coaching focused on issues faced by high-achieving professionals who are used to being on the fast track, have options, and are ready to play bigger… but feel stuck.

We’ll work together for 6-12 months: Time enough to immerse ourselves in something big, and leave you confidently equipped to face your challenges and opportunities for years to come. 

If you’re satisfied with where you are as a leader, aren’t ready or willing to step outside your comfort zone in order to grow, and don’t think emotions have a place in your decisions or your work, then this work probably isn’t for you.

But if you’re a leader who is no stranger to success and ready
to push past your plateau and get to where you’re going next…

Let’s work together to get you there.

“A lot of founders feel alone in that journey of making impactful decisions, and it's so valuable to have someone like Michelle as a guide who provides frameworks you can then apply in the future. I appreciate her ability to take in whatever I came with each week and distill what I was saying into a useful and actionable piece of advice. She does all that while bringing this serene demeanor that is calming when in the midst of chaos."

- J.K., COO, growth marketing agency

Good news: Decision making is a process… one you can own.

Start with the Decision Inventory Worksheet: a simple yet in-depth tool you can use to unburden your mind + clarify your next steps.

Download yours now, and get a free, mini-masterclass in decision making: