S3E04 - What to do when torn between intellect and intuition

Sometimes it isn't the big decisions that get us stuck, but rather the seemingly small ones. Has that ever happened to you? In today's episode, you'll hear a small business owner unpack a smaller decision that has been taking up a lot of brain space in part, because her head says one thing, but her intuition says another.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud.
— Michelle Florendo

Episode Notes

Key topics we cover in this episode:

  • 03:47 - What to do when your intellect says one thing and your intuition says another

  • 07:21 - Breaking big decisions into smaller microdecisions

  • 07:57 - Unpacking feelings about money and deciding to invest in one's business

  • 14:05 - What's keeping her awake at night

  • 17:17 - Clarifying her objectives

  • 19:12 - What it means when there is an option you're not willing to entertain

  • 20:40 - What to do about information gaps

  • 28:03 - Determining the value of information

  • 29:29 - How to deal with the desire to just make a decision already

There are three key things that I hope you take away from this episode. 

  • If you find yourself torn between your intellect and your intuition, bring your intuition and feelings into the light. In other words, leaned in and determine what data your intuition and feelings can provide to your intellect so that you can get all parts of you on the same page.

  • If you find that there's a particular objective that triggers an emotional reaction that may overshadow your rational thinking such as feelings about money. Set that objective aside to look at the decision with a clear lens and then bring it back into consideration later.

  • If you have information gaps examine, ask yourself what is the value of gathering additional information and whether it is actually worth making that investment. If it is worth it to make that investment, explore how you can get comfortable with the tension that you'll experience until you're able to resolve some of those unknown.

Your head and your heart need not battle it out. When you make space to bring both types of thinking into the picture, you'll leave with a much clearer picture of how to move forward.

To learn more from Michelle about decision making, check out


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