S2E03 - The Basics - How to stop wasting time and energy on decisions

In this episode Michelle shares what's at the root of decision paralysis and offers up tips on how to save time and energy in the decision-making process.

The quality of a decision is separate and distinct from the quality of the outcome
— Michelle Florendo
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
— Michelle Florendo
You have two different systems for decision making: System 1 (fast) and System 2 (slow); reserve System 2 for decisions that really warrant it
— Michelle Florendo
You have a finite reservoir of energy for System 2. Decision fatigue occurs when you exhaust it.
— Michelle Florendo
Even though you’ve been socialized to want to maximize every decision, the incremental ROI (return on investment) of time and energy isn’t always worth it.
— Michelle Florendo
Identify which decisions deserve to be processed with System 1, then for others, decide in advance, use rule-based heuristics, or delegate decision making
— Michelle Florendo


S2E02 - The Basics - What is a decision (and some common misconceptions)


S2E04 - The Basics - The number one tip I share to make decisions less stressful